We had always been enemies, but something happened in summer that changed it all. I mean, for one thing, he was obnoxious and the worst possible neighbor you could get. Crazy parties until all hours, and when he [i]didn't[/i] bring the party home, he'd still stumble in (loudly) curse about losing his keys, bang on his own door (even though he had to remember he lived alone). After working late hours at he hospital, being woken up by my drunk (hot, but drunk) neighbor was NOT pleasant. Then in the morning he'd leer and smile and try to make nice - flirt, in his own obnoxious way. Still, he just made me want to hit him in the face. He had that effect on people. A LOT of people. Second, he was the bad boy to end all bad boys - the kind no self-respecting girl would ever allow herself to get caught up with. Until that humid summer night.
I had just finished a long, long, LONG shift and wanted nothing more than to get home, slip out of my clothes and drift off into a restless, dreamless sleep... but as I made me way to my car, i saw it ... I wasn't even sure then what it was, until finally my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the edge of the parking lot. My heart sank down into my stomach and I prayed. "Don't let that really be a [i]body[/i]." I implored, out loud, making my way past the cars, the dread in my stomach playing leap frog with the leaden butterflies. As I got closer, my worst fears were confirmed. It was a body ... but it was breathing.. the muscular back rose and fell, but he was breathing. I rolled him over on my side and stared into my neighbor's bloody face. He's been beaten, but luckily dumped in a hospital parking lot. I managed to revive him and help him to his feet.
"I'm okay," he choked out, and manged to mumble something about hating doctors, and police being after him.. I fought; knowing I needed to get him into an exam room, but he fought back, in his stubborn, obnoxious way.
Finally, we reached a compromise. I don't know if it was because he knew I wasn't giving in, or because the compromise I suggested held an air of danger, but he agreed. He would go inside the hospital, and I agreed that I would sneak him into autopsy (which, thankfully, was empty tonight) and check him out myself. We managed to avoid the guards, and I got him into the sub-basement without notice.
As I was checking out his ribs (fractured), and his head (no concussion), I realized something I'd never seen before... his hair was soft, his dimples were deep... and even peering out from behind a bloody black eye, his eyes were deep, deep blue. As much as I'd hated him, his jokes were funny, and that gruff, soft-spoken voice did something for me it had never done before ....
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a sims story; assignment 2
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