the fighter still remains...

| Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"In the clearing stands a boxer - a fighter by his trade;
& he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down -
or cut him, 'til he cried out - in his anger and his shame,
'I am leaving, I am leaving...'
...but the fighter still remains."

Conflict? Ilya was born for conflict - it's the down time that's hard... It seems every day it's getting harder and harder to sleep without the memories and regrets pouring into her consciousness from some other part of herself. 'Past Lives,' she calls them; those memories of horrible parts of her life, horrible parts of her self that seem so foreign to her now. So she fights. It doesn't matter what she's fighting, a dummy, a bag, or a worthy opponent - She's always fighting the same battle against the same person: Herself. She throws everything she has into every punch, every jab, every hook - fighting until there's nothing left inside of her, until she can barely climb out of the ring - so that maybe, just maybe she can get some sleep tonight.

Detail on the face before photo filter: