snapdragon . . .

| Monday, September 20, 2010

Okay done! :mrgreen:

Alright, well .. I was super shocked to get immunity this week - but, when I did, I decided straight away that I was going to do something I've never actually gotten to do for a challenge - a beauty shot. Last week I had Ilya so grungy and sweaty and beat up that I was REALLY excited to show off just how beauitful she actually is.

I got assigned snapdragons - one of my favorite flowers. Legend has it that wearing (or even concealing) snapdragons on one's person makes the holder appear much more fascinating and even courteous... and because of this legend in the middle ages, women and girls used wear snapdragons in their hair (or even carry a pouch full of them) when turning down or breaking it off with unwanted courters. They were also said to protect the wearer from curses or deceit.

My inspiration for this challenge was turning Ilya into a beautiful courtesan in a corset, off to end a relationship with a lover - armed with snapdragons in her hair.